ano 2020
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DOR - Artigos publicados em periódicos especializados arbitrados
Faculdade de Odontologia de Piracicaba
Departamento Odonto-Restauradora
Produções / Artigos publicados em periódicos

Artigos publicados em periódicos especializados arbitrados
Circulação Nacional
  SPOSITO BOURREAUS, Marcelle Louise; FROZONI, M. R. S.; BATISTA, M. J.; ZAIA, Alexandre Augusto; OLIVEIRA DE LIMA, CAROLINA; PRADO, M.; SOARES, A. J.; Evaluation of single visit endodontic treatment and non-surgical retreatment with foraminal enlargment of teeth with apical periodontitis ?, 02/2020, Revista Brasileira de Odontologia,Vol. 77, pp.1-24, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil, 2020
Circulação Internacional
  J.D. BRONZATO, J.D. Bronzato; DAVIDIAN, M. E. S.; DE CASTRO, M.; SOARES, A. J.; RANDI FERRAZ, Caio Cezar; ALMEIDA, J.F.A.; SILVA, M. A. M.; GOMES, Brenda Paula F D A; Bacteria and virulence factors in periapical lesions from endodontically treated and retreated teeth, 12/2020, International Endodontic Journal (Print),Vol. 191, pp.47-57, Oxford, Inglaterra, 2020
  FRANCISCO, M. J. V.; SILVA, B. G.; FERRAZ, L. N.; PEREIRA, R.; AGUIAR, F. H. B.; LIMA, D. A. N. L.; Influência de géis clareadores com cálcio sobre o esmalte dentário em estágio inicial de erosão, 11/2020, Journal of Clinical Dentistry and Research,Vol. 17, Fac. 3, pp.172-185, Maringá, PR, Brasil, 2020
  NATALIA BARCELLOS, NATALIA Barcellos; FERNANDA CARNEIRO NUNES, FERNANDA CARNEIRO Nunes; JOÃO BATISTA GAGNO INTRA, JOÃO BATISTA Gagno Intra; ARMELINDO ROLDI, ARMELINDO Roldi; SOARES, A. J.; FROZONI, M. R. S.; MARCELO SANTOS COELHO, MARCELO SANTOS Coelho; Success, Survival Rate and Soft Tissues Esthetic of Tooth Autotransplantation, 11/2020, Journal of Endodontics,Vol. 23, pp.715-785, Baltimore, Estados Unidos da América, 2020
  E. B. MENDES, E. B. Mendes; SOARES, A. J.; J. N. R. MARTINS, J. N. R. Martins; SILVA, E. J. N. L.; FROZONI, M. R. S.; Influence of access cavity design and use of operating microscope and ultrasonic troughing to detect middle mesial canals in extracted mandibular first molars, 10/2020, International Endodontic Journal (Print),Vol. 53, Fac. 10, pp.1430-1437, Oxford, Inglaterra, 2020
  PEREIRA, A. C.; OLIVEIRA, M. L.; CERQUEIRA NETO, ANA CAROLINA CORREIA LAURINDO; GOMES, Brenda Paula F D A; RANDI FERRAZ, Caio Cezar; ALMEIDA, J.F.A.; SILVA, M. A. M.; SOARES, A. J.; Treatment outcomes of pulp revascularization in traumatized immature teeth using calcium hydroxide and 2% chlorhexidine gel as intracanal medication, 09/2020, Journal of Applied Oral Science (Online),Vol. 28, Fac. 1, pp.2-12, Bauru, SP, Brasil, 2020 *
  LIMA, A. R. Lima; GANGULY, Tridib; R. WALKER, ALEJANDRO; ACOSTA, NATALIA; FRANCISCO, P. A.; PILEGGI, ROBERTA; LEMOS, Jose A.; GOMES, Brenda Paula F D A; ABRANCHES, Jacqueline; Phenotypic and genotypic characterization of Streptococcus mutans strains isolated from endodontic infections, 09/2020, Journal of Endodontics,Vol. 20, pp.129-139, Baltimore, Estados Unidos da América, 2020
  GOUVEIA, T. H. N.; FERREIRA SOBRAL SOUZA, Danielle; AGUIAR, F. H. B.; BOVI AMBROSANO, Gláucia Maria; LIMA, D. A. N. L.; Effect of ammonium acryloyldimethyltaurate copolymer on the physical and chemical properties of bleached dental enamel, 08/2020, Clinical Oral Investigations (Print),Vol. 24, Fac. 8, pp.2701-2711, Heidelberg, Alemanha, 2020 *
  RIBEIRO, M. B.; VASCONCELOS, R. A.; LOUZADA, L. M.; G DOS SANTOS, Danielle; ANDREOTE, Fernando Dini; GOMES, Brenda Paula F D A; Microbiological analysis of endodontically treated teeth with apical periodontitis before and after endodontic retreatment, 08/2020, Clinical Oral Investigations (Print),Vol. 1, pp.11-21, Heidelberg, Alemanha, 2020
  TEIXEIRA, L. E. P.; SAAVEDRA, Flavia M.; ANTUNES, T. B. M.; BOMBARDA, GF; GOMES, Brenda Paula F D A; ZAIA, Alexandre A.; CAMILLERI, J; SILVA, M. A. M.; Physicochemical, antimicrobial, and biological properties of White-MTAFlow, 08/2020, Clinical Oral Investigations (Print),Vol. 29, pp.580-590, Heidelberg, Alemanha, 2020
  TEIXEIRA, L. E. P.; SAAVEDRA, Flavia M.; BOMBARDA, G. F.; GOMES, Brenda Paula F D A; SOARES, A. J.; ZAIA, Alexandre Augusto; HUNGARO DUARTE, Marco Antonio; TANOMARU FILHO, MARIO; SILVA, M. A. M.; Dental discoloration caused by Grey-MTAFlow cement: analysis of its physicochemical, biological and antimicrobial properties, 08/2020, Journal of Applied Oral Science (Online),Vol. 28, Fac. 7, pp.349-369, Bauru, SP, Brasil, 2020
  GOMES, Brenda Paula F D A; LOUZADA, L. M.; F. ALMEIDA GOMES, REBECCA; T. PINHEIRO, Ericka; L.R. SOUSA, Ezilmara; JACINTO, R. C.; VASCONCELOS, R. A.; Investigation of Filifactor alocis in primary and in secondary endodontic infections: A molecular study, 07/2020, Archives of Oral Biology,Vol. 118, pp.104826-1105969, Oxford, Estados Unidos da América, 2020
  CASTRO, E. F.; AZEVEDO, V. L. B.; NIMA, Gabriel; SCOPIN DE ANDRADE, Oswaldo; CARLOS TADEU DOS SANTOS DIAS, ; GIANNINI, Marcelo; Adhesion, Mechanical Properties, and Microstructure of Resin-matrix CAD-CAM Ceramics, 07/2020, Journal of Adhesive Dentistry,Vol. 22, Fac. 4, pp.421-431, Carol Stream, IL, Estados Unidos da América, 2020 *
  GUARDA, M. B.; DI NIZO, Paolo Túlio; ABUNA, G. F.; CATELAN, A.; SINHORETI, Mario Alexandre C.; VITTI, Rafael Pino; Effect of Electric Current-assisted Application of Adhesives on their Bond Strength and Quality, 07/2020, Journal of Adhesive Dentistry,Vol. 22, Fac. 4, pp.393-398, Carol Stream, IL, Estados Unidos da América, 2020
  SOARES, A. J.; T. PINHEIRO, Ericka; PRADO, Marina C.; C.L. NARDELLO, LAURA; PEREIRA, A.C.; CERQUEIRA NETO, A.C.C.L.; NAGATA, JY; F. MARTÍNEZ, ELIZABETH; FROZONI, M. R. S.; GOMES, Brenda Paula F D A; Clinical and Molecular Microbiological Evaluation of Regenerative Endodontic Procedures in Immature Permanent Teeth, 07/2020, Journal of Endodontics,Vol. 46, Fac. 10, pp.1448-1454, Baltimore, Estados Unidos da América, 2020
  LOUZADA, L. M.; VASCONCELOS, R. A.; DUQUE, T. M.; CASARIN, R. C. V.; FERES, Magda; GOMES, Brenda Paula F D A; Clinical Investigation of Microbial Profile and Levels of Endotoxins and Lipoteichoic Acid at Different Phases of the Endodontic Treatment in Teeth with Vital Pulp and Associated Periodontal Disease, 06/2020, Journal of Endodontics,Vol. 46, Fac. 6, pp.736-747, Baltimore, Estados Unidos da América, 2020 *
  AVEIRO, E.; CHIARELLI NETO, VM; SOARES, A. J.; ZAIA, Alexandre Augusto; RANDI FERRAZ, Caio Cezar; ALMEIDA, J.F.A.; SILVA, M. A. M.; GOMES, Brenda Paula F D A; Efficacy of reciprocating and ultrasonic activation of 6% sodium hypochlorite in the reduction of microbial content and virulence factors in teeth with primary endodontic infection, 05/2020, International Endodontic Journal (Print),Vol. 53, Fac. 5, pp.604-618, Oxford, Inglaterra, 2020
  FERRAZ, L. N.; PRIETO, Lúcia Trazzi; THEOBALDO, J. D.; MAFFEI SARTINI PAULILLO, Luis Alexandre; AGUIAR, F. H. B.; LIMA, D. A. N. L.; PRIETO, L. T.; PAULILLO, Luis Alexandre Maffei Sartini; Tratamento clareador de dente não vital com alteração de cor após trauma: dois anos de acompanhamento, 05/2020, Journal of Clinical Dentistry and Research,Vol. 17, Fac. 1, pp.12-29, Maringá, PR, Brasil, 2020
  BRONZATO, J. D.; BOMFIM, Rafael Aiello; EDWARDS, DAVID; CROUCH, DOROTHY; HÉCTOR, MARK P; GOMES, Brenda Paula F D A; Detection of Fusobacterium in oral and head and neck cancer samples: A systematic review and meta-analysis, 04/2020, Archives of Oral Biology,Vol. 112, pp.104669-104679, Oxford, Estados Unidos da América, 2020
  YAMASAKI, M. C.; ROQUE TORRES, G. D.; PERONI, L. V.; NASCIMENTO, E. H. L.; SALMON, Benjamin; OLIVEIRA, M. L.; FREITAS, D. Q.; CORRER SOBRINHO, Lourenco; A modified protocol of mandibular osteoradionecrosis induction in rats with external beam radiation therapy, 04/2020, Clinical Oral Investigations (Print),Vol. 24, Fac. 4, pp.1561-1567, Heidelberg, Alemanha, 2020 *
  FIGUEIREDO MACEDO DE LIMA, Joyce; MAINARDI, M. C. A. J.; PUPPIN RONTANI, Regina Maria; RODRIGUES FILHO, U.P.; LIPORONI, Priscila C. Suzi; LUIZ CALEGARO, MARCELO; RISCHKA, klaus; AGUIAR, F. H. B.; Bioinspired catechol chemistry for dentin remineralization: A new approach for the treatment of dentin hypersensitivity., 04/2020, Dental Materials,Vol. 36, Fac. 4, pp.501-511, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2020 *
  SEBOLD, M.; BARROS ESTEVES LINS, Rodrigo; ANDRÉ, C. B.; MARTINS, Luis Roberto Marcondes; GIANNINI, Marcelo; Flowable and Regular Bulk-Fill Composites: A Comprehensive Report on Restorative Treatment, 03/2020, The International Journal of Periodontics & Restorative Dentistry,Vol. 40, Fac. 2, pp.293-300, Hanover Park, Estados Unidos da América, 2020
  J. VELOSO, DEJANILDO; FARIZA, Abrão; H. G. MARTINS, C.; BRONZATO, J. D.; GOMES, Brenda Paula F D A; S. HIGINO, JANE; SAMPAIO, Fabio Correia; Potential antibacterial and anti-halitosis activity of medicinal plants against oral bacteria, 02/2020, Archives of Oral Biology,Vol. 110, pp.104585-104595, Oxford, Estados Unidos da América, 2020
  VIEIRA, I.; VIEIRA-JUNIOR, Waldemir Francisco; PAULI, Maria Cibelle; THEOBALDO, J. D.; AGUIAR, F. H. B.; LIMA, D. A. N. L.; LEONARDI, G. R.; Effect of in-office bleaching gels with calcium or fluoride on color, roughness, and enamel microhardness, 02/2020, Journal of Clinical and Experimental Dentistry,Vol. 12, Fac. 2, pp.116-122, Valencia, Espanha, 2020 *
  THEOBALDO, J. D.; VIEIRA JUNIOR, W. F.; MENDES, K. L. C.; MARCHI, Giselle Maria; LIMA, D. A. N. L.; AGUIAR, F. H. B.; Effects of cigarette smoke on color, roughness and gloss of high-viscosity bulk-fill resin composites, 01/2020, American Journal of Dentistry,Vol. 33, pp.83-88, San Antonio, Estados Unidos da América, 2020 *
  ALVAREZ FERRETTI, Marcela; THEOBALDO, J. D.; PEREIRA, R.; VIEIRA JUNIOR, W. F.; BOVI AMBROSANO, Gláucia Maria; LIMA, D. A. N. L.; AGUIAR, F. H. B.; Effect of erosive challenge and cigarette smoke on dentin microhardness, surface morphology and bond strength, 01/2020, Brazilian Dental Science,Vol. 23, pp.1-8, São Paulo, SP, Brasil, 2020 *
  PEREIRA, R.; BARROS ESTEVES LINS, Rodrigo; CASTELAN RODRIGUES, VICTÓRIA; LIMA, D. A. N. L.; MARTINS, Luis Roberto Marcondes; AGUIAR, F. H. B.; Glass fiber posts, 01/2020, Brazilian Journal of Oral Sciences (Online),Vol. 19, pp.12-32, Piracicaba, SP, Brasil, 2020
  GOMES, Brenda Paula F D A; VASCONCELOS, R. A.; LOUZADA, L. M.; SILVA, M. A. M.; SOARES, A. J.; Teaching experiences during the SARS-COV-2 pandemic in a Brazilian School of Dentistry, 01/2020, Brazilian Journal of Oral Sciences (Online),Vol. 19, pp.129-159, Piracicaba, SP, Brasil, 2020
  BICEGO PEREIRA, ELOA C.; RIBEIRO, M. B.; SOARES, A. J.; ZAIA, Alexandre A.; RANDI FERRAZ, Caio Cezar; ALMEIDA, J.F.A.; SILVA, M. A. M.; FERES, Magda; GOMES, Brenda Paula F D A; Evaluation of the presence of microorganisms from root canal of teeth submitted to retreatment due to prosthetic reasons and without evidence of apical periodontitis, 01/2020, Clinical Oral Investigations (Print),Vol. 20, Fac. 2, pp.340-350, Heidelberg, Alemanha, 2020
  OLIVEIRA, L.N.M., Oliveira, L.N.M.; EDUARDO MANSUR KADI, Eduardo Mansur Kadi; SANDRA CRISTIANE GUEDES RADAIC, Sandra Cristiane Guedes Radaic; KARLA GARCIA FERREIRA, Karla Garcia Ferreira; PRADO, M. C.; WAYNE MARTINS NASCIMENTO, Wayne Martins Nascimento; SOARES, A. J.; FROZONI, M. R. S.; Apical extrusion of debris produced by the heat treated single-file systems XP-Endo Shaper, Reciproc Blue and ProDesign Logic, 01/2020, Giornale Italiano di Endodonzia (Print): organo ufficiale della Societa Italiana di Endodonzia,Vol. 34, pp.135-141, Milan, Itália, 2020
  SANDRA CRISTIANE GUEDES RADAIC, Sandra Cristiane Guedes Radaic; EDUARDO MANSUR KADI, Eduardo Mansur Kadi; KARLA GARCIA FERREIRA, Karla Garcia Ferreira; OLIVEIRA, L.N.M., Oliveira, L.N.M.; SOARES, A. J.; FROZONI, M. R. S.; Impact of different flow rate on apically extruded debris and irrigants, 01/2020, Giornale Italiano di Endodonzia (Print): organo ufficiale della Societa Italiana di Endodonzia,Vol. 34, pp.13-17, Milan, Itália, 2020
  VASCONCELOS, R. A.; LOUZADA, L. M.; FERES, Magda; L TOMSON, P; R COOPER, Paul; GOMES, Brenda Paula F D A; Investigation of microbial profile, levels of endotoxin and lipoteichoic acid in teeth with symptomatic irreversible pulpitis: a clinical study, 01/2020, International Endodontic Journal (Print),Vol. 85, pp.387-487, Oxford, Inglaterra, 2020
  G.G. GALETI, G.G. Galeti; SOARES, A. J.; E.B. MENDES, E.B. Mendes; FROZONI, M. R. S.; SOARES, A. J.; E. B. MENDES, E. B. Mendes; Influence of Different Distances of Pecking Motion on Cyclic Fatigue Resistance of Reciproc Blue Files, 01/2020, International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science,Vol. 7, Fac. 11, pp.162-167, Jaipur, Índia, 2020
  KURY, Matheus; WADA, E. E.; SILVA, D.P.; TABCHOURY, CÍNTHIA PEREIRA MACHADO; GIANNINI, Marcelo; GOBBO, V. C.; Effect of violet LED light on in-office bleaching protocols: a randomized controlled clinical trial, 01/2020, Journal of Applied Oral Science (Online),Vol. 28, Fac. 1, pp.1-1, Bauru, SP, Brasil, 2020 *
  ARAUJO PIEROTE, Josué Junior; PRIETO, Lúcia Trazzi; DOS SANTOS DIAS, Carlos Tadeu; FRAZÃO CÂMARA, JOÃO VICTOR; LIMA, D. A. N. L.; AGUIAR, F. H. B.; MAFFEI SARTINI PAULILLO, Luis Alexandre; Effects of desensitizing products on the reduction of pain sensitivity caused by in-office tooth bleaching: a 24-week follow-up, 01/2020, Journal of Applied Oral Science (Online),Vol. 28, Fac. 4, pp.363-388, Bauru, SP, Brasil, 2020
  PINI, N. I. P.; LIMA, D. A. N. L.; LUKA, BENEDIKT; CAROLINA GANSS, Carolina Ganss; SCHLUETER, Nadine; Viscosity of chitosan impacts the efficacy of F/Sn containing toothpastes against erosive/abrasive wear in enamel, 01/2020, Journal of Dentistry,Vol. 92, pp.103247-135362, Inglaterra, Inglaterra, 2020
  FROZONI, M. R. S.; MARQUES, M. R.; HAMASAKI, Silvia Kaoru; MOHARA, Nelson Tsutomu; SOARES, A. J.; ZAIA, Alexandre Augusto; Contribution of Bone Marrow-derived Cells to Reparative Dentinogenesis Using Bone Marrow Transplantation Model, 01/2020, Journal of Endodontics,Vol. 46, Fac. 3, pp.404-412, Baltimore, Estados Unidos da América, 2020 *
  FONSECA, JM; LOPES MA, ; T. B., Brandão; VARGAS, Pablo Agustin; RIBEIRO, AC; SANTOS -SILVA, AR; GOES, Mario Fernando de; MADRID TROCON, Cristhian Camilo; SILVA, W. G.; PAGLIONI, Mariana de Pauli; ARAUJO, AL; ARBOLEDA, LP; FILHO, AJ; GONZALES-ARRIAGADA, WA; The impact of head and neck radiotherapy on the dentine-enamel junction: a systematic review, 01/2020, Medicina Oral, Patologia Oral y Cirugia Bucal (Online),Vol. 25, pp.96-105, Valência, Espanha, 2020 *
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