ano 2017
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DRCC - Participações em congressos especializados nacionais com trabalhos apresentados
Instituto de Física "Gleb Wataghin"
Departamento de Raios Cósmicos e Cronologia
Produções / Participação em congressos e outros eventos

Participações em congressos especializados nacionais com trabalhos apresentados
  CASTELLANO, G. (Docente); VARGAS, P. A. (pesquisadora convidada); 4th BRAINN Congress - BRAINN 2017, (27/03/2017 a 29/03/2017), Campinas, SP, Brasil, Oral:"BRAINN participation in other neurotechnology development initiatives: projects XTReMe and SOPHIE".
  AGUILAR, A. C. (Docente); XVIII Escola de Verão Jorge André Swieca de Física Nuclear Teórica., (11/02/2017 a 17/02/2017), São Sebastião, SP, Brasil, Oral:"Infrared QCD from Schwinger-Dyson equations".
  SOUZA, E. M. (Autor); COSTA, Eduardo Tavares (Autor); CASTELLANO, G. (Autor); 4th BRAINN Congress - BRAINN 2017, (27/03/2017 a 29/03/2017), Campinas, SP, Brasil, Poster:"Comparison of Influence of Acquisition Parameters in DTI Indices for 8-Channel and 32-Channel Head Coils: A Fiber Phantom Study". *
  TOFFOLI DE MENEZES, Lucas (Autor); STEFANO FILHO, C. A. (Autor); CASTELLANO, G. (Autor); 4th BRAINN Congress - BRAINN 2017, (27/03/2017 a 29/03/2017), Campinas, SP, Brasil, Poster:"A feasibility evaluation of EEG data acquired using a neurofeedback training interface: preliminary results".
  SANTOS, J. P. O. P. (Autor); RITTNER, L. (Autor); APPENZELLER, Simone (Autor); CASTELLANO, G. (Autor); 4th BRAINN Congress - BRAINN 2017, (27/03/2017 a 29/03/2017), Campinas, SP, Brasil, Poster:"Comparison of 2D and 3D co-occurrence matrices for evaluation of texture parameters from brain MR images of systemic lupus erythematosus patients". *
  COSTA, T. B. S. (Autor); STEFANO FILHO, C. A. (Autor); BOLINA KERSANACH, Maria (Autor); URIBE, L. F. S. (Autor); CARVALHO, S. N. (Autor); SORIANO, D. C. (Autor); CASTELLANO, G. (Autor); ATTUX, R.R.F. (Autor); 4th BRAINN Congress - BRAINN 2017, (27/03/2017 a 29/03/2017), Campinas, SP, Brasil, Poster:"Development of a P300-based BCI: preliminary results". *
  COTTA VIVALDI, Felipe (Autor); SCAVARIELLO, G. H. (Autor); TOFFOLI DE MENEZES, Lucas (Autor); CASTELLANO, G. (Autor); 4th BRAINN Congress - BRAINN 2017, (27/03/2017 a 29/03/2017), Campinas, SP, Brasil, Poster:"Development of game-like interfaces for neurofeedback training".
  BRANDAO, A. F. (Autor); DIAS, D. R. C. (Autor); G. PAIVA, G. (Autor); DE PAIVA GUIMARÃES, Marcelo (Autor); TREVELIN, Luís Carlos (Autor); CASTELLANO, G. (Autor); 4th BRAINN Congress - BRAINN 2017, (27/03/2017 a 29/03/2017), Campinas, SP, Brasil, Poster:"e-Street: Virtual Reality for spatial orientation in urban environment".
  GUZMAN, S. I. C. (Autor); WEILER, M. (Autor); BALTHAZAR, M. L. F. (Autor); CASTELLANO, G. (Autor); 4th BRAINN Congress - BRAINN 2017, (27/03/2017 a 29/03/2017), Campinas, SP, Brasil, Poster:"Graph theory applied to a longitudinal study of patients with mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer?s disease". *
  CASSEB, R. F. (Autor); SOJOUDI, Alireza (Autor); CASTELLANO, G. (Autor); FRANCA JUNIOR, M. C. (Autor); GOODYEAR, Bradley (Autor); 4th BRAINN Congress - BRAINN 2017, (27/03/2017 a 29/03/2017), Campinas, SP, Brasil, Poster:"Hierarchical observation modeling in fMRI: sliding window 2.0". *
  BUZZI, A. C. (Autor); STEFANO FILHO, C. A. (Autor); CASTELLANO, G. (Autor); 4th BRAINN Congress - BRAINN 2017, (27/03/2017 a 29/03/2017), Campinas, SP, Brasil, Poster:"Investigation of the influence of subjects? training in the performance of an MI-based BCI using different feature sets".
  STEFANO FILHO, C. A. (Autor); ATTUX, R.R.F. (Autor); CASTELLANO, G. (Autor); 4th BRAINN Congress - BRAINN 2017, (27/03/2017 a 29/03/2017), Campinas, SP, Brasil, Poster:"Power spectral density or functional connectivity indices? A comparative study regarding feature selection for motor imagery-based brain-computer interfaces". *
  HORVATH, Julia (Autor); PEREIRA, D. R. (Autor); RITTNER, L. (Autor); APPENZELLER, Simone (Autor); CASTELLANO, G. (Autor); 4th BRAINN Congress - BRAINN 2017, (27/03/2017 a 29/03/2017), Campinas, SP, Brasil, Poster:"Study of the technique of magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging (MRSI) and application to evaluation of brain metabolites of systemic lupus erythematosus patients". *
  G. RODRIGUES, Paula (Autor); STEFANO FILHO, C. A. (Autor); ATTUX, R.R.F. (Autor); CASTELLANO, G. (Autor); SORIANO, D. C. (Autor); 4th BRAINN Congress - BRAINN 2017, (27/03/2017 a 29/03/2017), Campinas, SP, Brasil, Poster:"Variants of EEG Functional Brain Connectivity Evaluation Methods for BCI Motor Imagery Classification". *
* Esta produção está associada também a outros órgãos

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