Faculdade de Engenharia Química
Departamento de Termofluidodinâmica
Produções / Artigos publicados em periódicos

Artigos publicados em periódicos especializados arbitrados de circulação (internacional)
  BEPPU, M. M.; SANTANA, Cesar Costapinto; "PAA Influence on Chitosan Membrane Calcification", 11/2003, Materials Science and Engineering C, Vol. 23, pp.651-658, Amsterdam, Holanda, 2003 *
  SILVA, Maria Aparecida; GOMES CORRÊA, Jefferson Luiz; NEBRA, Silvia Azucena; GRAMINHO, D. R.; "Cyclonic Dryer - A Numerical and Experimental Analysis of the Influence of Geometry on Average Particle Residence Time", 11/2003, Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering, Vol. 21, Fac. 01, pp.103-112, São Paulo, SP, Brasil, 2003
  MOHAMED, Rahoma Sadeg; AZEVEDO, Alvaro; KOPCAK, UIRAM; "Extraction of fat from fermented cupuaçu seeds with supercritical solvents", 10/2003, Journal of Supercritical Fluids (the), Vol. 27, pp.223-237, Cincinnati, Estados Unidos, 2003
  TARANTO, Osvaldir Pereira; COSTA, M.A.; "Scale-up and spouting of two dimensional beds", 10/2003, Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering, Vol. 81, pp.264-267, São Paulo, SP, Brasil, 2003
  CREMASCO, Marco Aurélio; WANG, N.H.L.; "A design and study of the effects of selectivity on binary separation in a four-zone simulated moving bed for systems with linear isotherms", 10/2003, Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering, Vol. 02, pp.181-190, São Paulo, SP, Brasil, 2003
  ROCHA, Sandra C.S.; SILVA, VIRGINIA APARECIDA D; "Development of a vibrofluidized bed and fluid-dynamic study with dry and wet adipic acid", 09/2003, Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering, Vol. 20, Fac. 04, pp.423-434, São Paulo, SP, Brasil, 2003
  SILVA, Maria Aparecida; MIRANDA, M. N. N.; "Estimation of properties of ternary mixtures of solids using the mixing rule", 08/2003, Powder Technology, Vol. 01, Fac. 01, pp.16-23, Lausanne, Suiça, 2003
  KIECKBUSCH, Theo Guenter; PENA, Lecsi Maricella Pena; "Ingluência de condições de secagem na qualidade de fatias de tomate", 05/2003, Brazilian Journal of Food Technology, Vol. 6, pp.69-76, Campinas, SP, Brasil, 2003
  KIECKBUSCH, Theo Guenter; COLLARES, Fernanda P.; FINZER, J.R.D.; "Glass transition control of the detachment of food pastes dried over glass plates", 03/2003, Journal of Food Engineering, Vol. 61, pp.261-267, Barking, Reino Unido, 2003
  KIECKBUSCH, Theo Guenter; REZENDE, D.F.; "Dimensional analysis applied to the identification of flow regimes during sterilization in spin cooker", 03/2003, Journal of Food Engineering, Vol. 4, pp.435-439, Barking, Reino Unido, 2003
  SILVA, Meuris Gurgel Carlos; DE AMORIM, Wanda; HAYASHI, A.M.; PIMENTEL, P.F.; "A study of the process of desorption of hexavalent chromium", 03/2003, Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering, Vol. 20, Fac. 03, pp.1-1, São Paulo, SP, Brasil, 2003
* Esta produção está associada também a outros órgãos