Faculdade de Ciências Médicas
Departamento de Anatomia Patológica
Produções / Participação em congressos e outros eventos

Participações em congressos especializados internacionais com trabalhos apresentados (poster)
  ALTEMANI, Albina M. de Almeida (Docente); BLOTA, M.H.S.L. (a); JULIANO, P. B. (a); XXVIII Meeting of the Brazilian Society of Immunology, (05/10/2003 a 08/10/2003), Mangaratiba, RJ, Brasil, Poster:"The trophoblast barrier is important on modulation of vitillis caused by parasites.".
  BILLIS, Athanase (Docente); Intraeuropean Mediterranean Conference of the International Academy of Pathology, (08/05/2003 a 10/05/2003), Atenas, Grécia, Poster:"Localized amyloidosis of the seminal vesicles and ejaculatory ducts. Prevalence and significance in autopsies.".
  BILLIS, Athanase (Docente); FREITAS, Leandro Luiz Lopes de (a); MAGNA, Luis Alberto (Docente); SAMARA, Adil Muhib (Docente); FERREIRA, Ubirajara (Docente); Intraeuropean Mediterranean Conference of the International Academy of Pathology, (08/05/2003 a 10/05/2003), Atenas, Grécia, Poster:"Pathologic findings and recurrence-free survival following radical prostatectomy: A comparison between white and african-brazilian men". *
  ENDO, Luiza Hayashi (Docente); FERREIRA, D R (co-autor); ALTEMANI, Albina M. de Almeida (Docente); PINTO, Glauce A. (co-autor); CAMARGO, L A (co-autor); VASSALLO, José (Docente); V International Symmposium on Tonsilis and Mucosal Barries of the Upper Airways., (09/04/2003 a 11/04/2003), Wakayama, Japão, Poster:"Detection of Epstein-Barr virus in children's adenoids by in situ hybridization.". *
  ENDO, Luiza Hayashi (Docente); SAKANO, Eulalia (co-autor); FERREIRA, D R (co-autor); PINTO, Glauce A. (co-autor); VASSALLO, José (Docente); V International Symmposium on Tonsilis and Mucosal Barries of the Upper Airways., (09/04/2003 a 11/04/2003), Wakayama, Japão, Poster:"The virus action in tonsilis and adenoids.". *
  LORAND-METZE, Irene Gyongyver H. (Docente); COSTA, F P S (co-autor); GONÇALVES PEREIRA, Fernanda (co-autor); VASSALLO, José (Docente); Meeting of the German Society of Pathlogy, (11/06/2003 a 14/06/2003), Bamberg, Alemanha, Poster:"The utility of combined immunophenotyping and cytology for the diagnosis of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma.". *
  BEDIN, V. (a); METZE, Konradin (Docente); ADAM, Randall Luis (a); CINTRA, Maria Leticia (Docente); 61st Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Dermatology, (21/03/2003 a 26/03/2003), xx, Estados Unidos, Poster:"BCC recurrence: chromatin texture analysis by Fourier fast trasnformed (FFT).".
  BILLIS, Athanase (Docente); 92nd Annual Meetin United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology, (22/03/2003 a 28/03/2003), Washington, DC, Estados Unidos, Poster:"Intraprostatic fat: Does it exist?".
  BILLIS, Athanase (Docente); FREITAS, Leandro Luiz Lopes de (a); SAMARA, Adil Muhib (Docente); FERREIRA, Ubirajara (Docente); 92nd Annual Meetin United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology, (22/03/2003 a 28/03/2003), Washington, DC, Estados Unidos, Poster:"Prostate cancer with bladder neck involvement: pathologic findings and recurrence-free survival after radical prostatectomy.". *
* Esta produção está associada também a outros órgãos