Departamento de Tocoginecologia
Produções / Resumos Publicados

Resumos publicados em anais de congressos (internacional)
  Herrmann, Viviane (autor); Palma,, P.C.R. (autor); Riccetto,, C.L.Z. (autor); Prezotti,, A.P. (autor); Rodrigues Netto,, N. (autor); "A compreehnsive approach to pelvic floor relaxation.", 10/2000, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, 25th Annual Meeting of the International Urogynecological Association, Vol. 11, pp.12-12, Roma, ITALIA, 2000
  Palma,, P.C.R. (autor); Riccetto,, C.L.Z. (autor); Herrmann, Viviane (autor); Dambros,, M. (autor); "Transvaginal urethrolysis for obstruction following anti-incontinence procedures.", 10/2000, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, 25th Annual Meeting of the International Urogynecological Association, Vol. 11, pp.11-11, Roma, ITALIA, 2000
  Palma,, P.C.R. (autor); Riccetto,, C.L.Z. (autor); Herrmann, Viviane (autor); Dambros,, M. (autor); "Is anterior vaginal wall sling a good operation for intrinsic sphincteric insufficiency ?", 10/2000, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, 25th Annual Meeting of the International Urogynecological Association, Vol. 11, pp.13-13, Roma, ITALIA, 2000
  Palma,, P.C.R. (autor); Riccetto,, C.L.Z. (autor); Herrmann, Viviane (autor); Dambros,, M. (autor); "Self detachable ballon system (Uro Vive) for type III urinary stress incontinence.", 10/2000, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, 25th Annual Meeting of the International Urogynecological Association, Vol. 11, pp.15-15, Roma, ITALIA, 2000
  Figueiredo,, P.G. (autor); Derchain, Sophie Françoise M. (autor); Nakano,, F.Y. (autor); Oliveira,, E.R.Z.M. (autor); Barbosa, Sergio Bruno (autor); Martinez, Edson Z. Martinez (autor); "Achados histológicos no cone de mulheres submetidas a conização por biópsia colpodirigida compatível com NIC 3.", 10/2000, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, VII Simp. Intern.da Soc.Bras.Patologia do Trato Genital Inf. e Colpos., Vol. 1, pp.4-4, Belo Horizonte, MG, BRASIL, 2000
  Figueiredo, P.G. (autor); Derchain, Sophie Françoise M. (autor); Nakano,, F.Y. (autor); Oliveira,, E.R.Z.M. (autor); Barbosa, Sergio Bruno (autor); Martinez, Edson Z. Martinez (autor); "Correlação entre a citologia e a biópsia colpodirigida em mulheres submetidas a conização por CAF.", 10/2000, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, VII Simp. Inter. da Soc.Bras. Patologia Trato Genital Inf. Colpos., Vol. 1, pp.4-4, Belo Horizonte, MG, BRASIL, 2000
  Oliveira,, E.R.Z.M. (autor); Figueiredo,, P.G. (autor); Nakano,, F.Y. (autor); Derchain, Sophie Françoise M. (autor); Panetta, Kazue (autor); Martinez, Edson Z. Martinez (autor); "Fatores associados ao comprometimento das margens na avaliação histológica de cones com NIC 3.", 10/2000, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, VII Simp.Intern.da Soc.Bras. Patologia do Trato Genit.Infer.Colpos., Vol. 1, pp.11-11, Belo Horizonte, MG, BRASIL, 2000
  Gigueiredo,, P.G. (autor); Derchain, Sophie Françoise M. (autor); Nakano,, F.Y. (autor); Dragosavac,, S. (autor); Medeiros,, L.B. (autor); Huguet,, P.R. (autor); Teixeira, Julio Cesar (autor); "Fatores associados à presença de doença residual no novo cone ou histerectomia após conização a frio ou por cirurgia de alta freqüência por NIC 3.", 10/2000, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, VII Simp.Intern.da Soc.Bras. Patologia Trato Genit.Infer.e Colposcopia, Vol. 1, pp.12-12, Belo Horizonte, SP, BRASIL, 2000
  Figueiredo,, P.G. (autor); Derchain, Sophie Françoise M. (autor); Nakano,, F.Y. (autor); Dragosavac,, S. (autor); Medeiros,, L.B. (autor); Huguet,, P.R. (autor); Teixeira, Julio Cesar (autor); "Fatores associados à presença de doença residual no novo cone ou histerectomia após conização a frio ou por cirurgia de alta freqüência por NIC 3.", 10/2000, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, VII Simp.Intern.da Trato Genit.Inf.Colposcopia, Vol. 1, pp.12-12, Belo Horizonte, MG, BRASIL, 2000
  Verdiani, Luiz Antonio (autor); Schweller,, M. (autor); Derchain, Sophie Françoise M. (autor); Liberman,, T. (autor); Oliveira,, E.R.Z.M. (autor); Andrade,, L.A.L.A. (autor); "Avaliação colposcópica e histológica em mulheres com atipias glandulares de significado indeterminado (AGUS).", 10/2000, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, VII Simp. Intern. Soc. Bras. de Trato Genit. Inf.Colposc., Vol. 1, pp.17-17, Belo Horizonte, MG, BRASIL, 2000
  Liberman,, T. (autor); Westin,, M.C. (autor); Verdiani, Luiz Antonio (autor); Derchain, Sophie Françoise M. (autor); Oliveira,, E.R.Z.M. (autor); Machado,, J. (autor); Martinez, Edson Z. Martinez (autor); "Critérios utilizados na classificação das alterações glandulares de significado indeterminado (AGUS).", 10/2000, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, VII Simp.Inter. da Soc. Bras.Patologia do trato Genit.Infer.Colpos., Vol. 1, pp.17-17, Belo Horizonte, MG, BRASIL, 2000
  Alvarenga, Marcelo (AUTOR); "Carcinossarcoma de mama - Relato de um caso", 10/2000, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, 5º Congresso Luso-Brasileiro de Mastologia
1ª Jornada Centro-Oeste de Mastologia, Vol. 1, pp.2-2, Brasília, DF, BRASIL, 2000

  Alvarenga, Marcelo (AUTOR); "Sarcoma de "ewing" na mama - Relato de caso", 10/2000, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, 5º Congresso Luso-Brasileiro de Mastologia
1ª Jornada Centro-Oeste de Mastologia, Vol. 1, pp.5-5, Brasília, DF, BRASIL, 2000

  Alvarenga, Marcelo (AUTOR); "Efeitos da radioterapia exclusiva no tratamento do câncer de mama estádio II.", 10/2000, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, 5º Congresso Luso-Brasileiro de Mastologia
1ª Jornada Centro-Oeste de Mastologia, Vol. 1, pp.3-3, Brasília, DF, BRASIL, 2000

  Cecatti, José Guilherme (autor); Araujo,, A.S. (autor); Osis,, M.J.D. (autor); "LAM in a postpartum family planning program. Children health outcomes.", 09/2000, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, XVI World Congress of Gynecology and Obstetrics - FIGO, Vol. 1, pp.57-57, Washington, ESTADOS UNIDOS, 2000
  Aquino, Márcia Maria Aux. (autor); Cecatti, José Guilherme (autor); Garcia,, G.M. (autor); Rodrigues,, T.M.C. (autor); "Misoprostol versus oxytocin for labor induction: randomized controlled trial.", 09/2000, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, XVI World Congress of Gynecology and Obstetrics - FIGO, Vol. 1, pp.26-26, Washington, ESTADOS UNIDOS, 2000
  Camargo,, R.P.S. (autor); Simões, José Antonio (autor); Cecatti, José Guilherme (autor); "Screening and treatment of bacterial vaginosis in pregnancy to prevent perinatal complications.", 09/2000, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, XVI World Congress of Gynecology and Obstetrics - FIGO, Vol. 1, pp.34-34, Washington, ESTADOS UNIDOS, 2000
  Camargo,, R.P.S. (autor); Simões, José Antonio (autor); Cecatti, José Guilherme (autor); "Treatment of bacterial vaginosis in pregnancy: a retrospective cohort study in a Brazilian University Hospital.", 09/2000, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, XVI World Congress of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Vol. 1, pp.40-40, Washington, ESTADOS UNIDOS, 2000
  Zeferino, Luiz Carlos (autor); D'Ottaviano Morelli, M.G. (autor); Cecatti, José Guilherme (autor); Martinez, Edson Z. Martinez (autor); "Prevalence of cervical intra-epithelial neoplasia according to the chronological age and the interval since first sexual intercourse.", 09/2000, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, XVI World Congress of Gynecology and Obstetrics - FIGO, Vol. 1, pp.67-67, Washington, ESTADOS UNIDOS, 2000
  Franzin, Cleide Mara Mazotti (autor); Pinto e Silva, João Luiz (autor); "The efficacy of doppler velocimetry in identifying fetal acid-base status and well-being.", 09/2000, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, XVI FIGO - World Congress of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Vol. 70, pp.28-28, Washington, ESTADOS UNIDOS, 2000
  Sabatino, José Hugo (autor); Souza,, L.R. (autor); Martinez, Edson Z. Martinez (autor); "Comparations of apgar score within squatting and horizontal mother childbirth in low risk pregnant women.", 09/2000, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, XVI FIGO - World Congress of Gynecology and Obstetrics., Vol. 70, pp.81-81, Washington, ESTADOS UNIDOS, 2000
  Vicelli, José Tadeu (autor); Zeferino, Luiz Carlos (autor); Costa Gurgel, Maria Salete (autor); Ferro,, J.E. (autor); "Referred analysis of an outpatient breast clinic performance women.", 09/2000, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, XVI FIGO - World Congress of gynecology and Obstetrics, Vol. 70, pp.87-87, Washington, ESTADOS UNIDOS, 2000
  Franzin, Cleide Mara Mazotti (autor); Vicentini, Regina M. Ruschi (autor); Bahamondes, Luis Guillermo (autor); Barcelos,, I.C. (autor); Marussi, Emilio Francisco (autor); "Uterine arteriovenous malformation. Description of a case.", 09/2000, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, XVI FIGO - World Congress of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Vol. 70, pp.138-138, Washington, ESTADOS UNIDOS, 2000
  Giacobbe, Marcelo (autor); Zeferino, Luiz Carlos (autor); Franzin, Cleide Mara Mazotti (autor); "Doppler assessment of uteroplacental circulation in normal pregnancy and abortion.", 09/2000, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, XVI FIGO - World Congress of Gynecology and Obstetrics., Vol. 70, pp.139-139, Washington, ESTADOS UNIDOS, 2000
  Faúndes-Lathan, Anibal Eusébio (autor); "How Ob-Gyn Societies can make a difference", 09/2000, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, XVI FIGO - World Congress of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Vol. 70, pp.6-6, Waschington, ESTADOS UNIDOS, 2000
  Sabatino, José Hugo (autor); Braga,, F.S. (autor); Pereira,, R.R. (autor); "Mother and perinatal appraisal whith use low dose in continuous epidural analgesic during labor and outcome.", 09/2000, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, XVI FIGO - World Congress of Gynecology and Obstetrics., Vol. 70, pp.24-24, Washington, ESTADOS UNIDOS, 2000
  Pinto Neto, Aarão Mendes (autor); Pedro, Adriana Orcesi (autor); Costa-Paiva, Lucia Helena Simoes (autor); "Climateric women's attitudes towards menopause and its treatment: a populations-based study held in Campinas-Brazil.", 09/2000, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, XVI FIGO - World Congress of Gynecology and Obstetrics., Vol. 70, pp.38-38, Washington, ESTADOS UNIDOS, 2000
  Aroutcheva,, A. (autor); Simões, José Antonio (autor); Faro,, S. (autor); "Relationship of lactobacilli to genital microflora responsible for bacterial vaginosis.", 09/2000, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, XVI FIGO - World Congress of Gynecology and Obstetrics., Vol. 70, pp.17-17, Washington, ESTADOS UNIDOS, 2000
  Giraldo, Paulo Cesar (autor); Gonçalves,, A.K. (autor); Ribeiro Filho, Ayrton Daniel (autor); Witkin,, S. (autor); "Relation between sexual practices and human papillomavirus (HPV)infection in the oropharingeal cavity epithelium", 09/2000, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, XVI FIGO - World Congress of Gynecology and Obstetrics., Vol. 70, pp.60-60, Washington, ESTADOS UNIDOS, 2000
  Magalhães, Jarbas (autor); Giraldo, Paulo Cesar (autor); Amaral, Eliana (autor); Simões, José Antonio (autor); "HIV infected women: impact on contraception.", 09/2000, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, XVI FIGO - World Congress of Gynecology and Obstetrics., Vol. 70, pp.27-27, Washington, ESTADOS UNIDOS, 2000
  Ribeiro Filho, Ayrton Daniel (autor); Gabiatti, José R. Erbolato (autor); Giraldo, Paulo Cesar (autor); "Prevalence of gynaecological risk factors for heterosexual transmission of HIV among women attending centers for counselling and setologic testing in Brazil.", 09/2000, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, XVI FIGO - World Congress of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Vol. 70, pp.28-28, Washington, ESTADOS UNIDOS, 2000
  Filip Raskin, Diana (autor); Pinto Neto, Aarão Mendes (autor); Neves Jorge, Jesse de Paula (autor); Costa-Paiva, Lucia Helena Simoes (autor); "Fat distribuittion and risk factors for cardiovascular disease in post menopausal women.", 09/2000, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, XVI FIGO - World Congress of Gynecology and Obstetrics., Vol. 70, pp.31-31, Washington, ESTADOS UNIDOS, 2000
  Brenna, Sylvia Michelina F. (autor); Zeferino, Luiz Carlos (autor); Pinto,, G. (autor); Martinez, Edson Z. Martinez (autor); "P53 and C-MYC expression as biological markers for poor prognosis in invasive cervical carcinoma.", 09/2000, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, XVI FIGO - World Congress of Gynecology and Obstetrics., Vol. 70, pp.90-90, Washington, ESTADOS UNIDOS, 2000
  Tadini, Valdir (autor); Pinto Neto, Aarão Mendes (autor); Souza, Gustavo Antonio de (autor); Brenna, Sylvia Michelina F. (autor); "Endogenous sexual steroids and gonadotrophins in women with and without endometrial carcinoma.", 09/2000, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, XVI FIGO - World Congress of Gynecology and Obstetrics., Vol. 70, pp.102-102, Washington, ESTADOS UNIDOS, 2000
  Brenna, Sylvia Michelina F. (autor); Hardy, Ellen Elizabeth (autor); Zeferino, Luiz Carlos (autor); Namura,, I. (autor); "Knowledge attitude and practice of papanicolaou smear among Brazilian women.", 09/2000, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, XVI FIGO - World Congress of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Vol. 70, pp.115-115, Washington, ESTADOS UNIDOS, 2000
  Pinto e Silva, João Luiz (autor); Motta-Chinaglia,, M. (autor); Oliveira,, N. (autor); "Obstetrical and perinatal outcome in multiparous adolescents.", 09/2000, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, XVI FIGO - World Congress of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Vol. 70, pp.121-121, Washington, ESTADOS UNIDOS, 2000
  Pedro, Adriana Orcesi (autor); Hobeika, João Daniel (autor); Pinto Neto, Aarão Mendes (autor); Costa-Paiva, Lucia Helena Simoes (autor); "Association between hysterectomy and bone density in postmenopausal women.", 09/2000, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, XVI FIGO - World Congress of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Vol. 70, pp.134-134, Washington, ESTADOS UNIDOS, 2000
  Costa-Paiva, Lucia Helena Simoes (autor); Filardi,, S. (autor); Marques-Neto,, J.F. (autor); Pinto Neto, Aarão Mendes (autor); Pedro, Adriana Orcesi (autor); "Influence of risk factors and reproductive history on bone density of postmenopausal women.", 09/2000, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, XVI FIGO - World Congress of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Vol. 70, pp.137-137, Washington, ESTADOS UNIDOS, 2000
  Molina,, A. (autor); Machado,, K.M.M. (autor); Ludemir,, A.B. (autor); Faúndes-Lathan, Anibal Eusébio (autor); "Factors associated to requesting reversal of tubal sterilization.", 09/2000, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, XVI FIGO - World Congress of Gynecology and Obstetrics., Vol. 70, pp.17-17, Washington, ESTADOS UNIDOS, 2000
  Barini, Ricardo (autor); Otília,, M. (autor); Mellone,, m. (autor); Amaral, Eliana (autor); Holtz,, J. (autor); "Toxiplasmosis: a tough diagnosis with automated serologic tests.", 09/2000, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, 19º Annual International Fetal Medicine and Surgery Society, Vol. 1, pp.52-52, Nantucket Island-Massachusetts, ESTADOS UNIDOS, 2000
  Camargo,, R.P.S. (autor); Simões, José Antonio (autor); Cecatti, José Guilherme (autor); "Screening diagnosis and treatment of bacterial vaginosis in pregnancy to prevent prematurity in a Brazilian University Hospital.", 09/2000, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, Third International Meeting on Bacterial Vaginosis., Vol. 1, pp.45-45, Ystad, SUECIA, 2000
  Tao,, L. (autor); Pavlova,, S.I. (autor); Kilic,, A.O. (autor); Kilic,, S.S. (autor); So,, J. (autor); Simões, José Antonio (autor); Nader-Macias,, M.E. (autor); "Taxonomy of vaginal Lactobacilli from women of seven countries.", 09/2000, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, Third International Meeting on Bacterial Vaginosis., Vol. 1, pp.21-21, Ystad, SUECIA, 2000
  Dambros,, M. (autor); Palma,, P.C.R. (autor); Riccetto,, L.Z. (autor); Herrmann, Viviane (autor); Santos,, J.R.F. (autor); Netto Júnior,, N.R. (autor); "Is vaginal wall sling a good option for intrinsic sphincter deficiency ?", 09/2000, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, 18th World Congress onf Endourology and SWL/16th Basic R.Symposium, Vol. 14, pp.65-65, São Paulo, SP, BRASIL, 2000
  Riccetto,, C.L.Z. (autor); Palma,, P.C.R. (autor); Herrmann, Viviane (autor); Dambros,, M. (autor); Netto Júnior,, N.R. (autor); "Incision less urethral coaptation for tipe IIIurinary stress incontinence.", 09/2000, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, 18th World Congress on Endourology and SWL/16th Basic R.Symposium, Vol. 14, pp.66-66, São Paulo, SP, BRASIL, 2000
  Herrmann, Viviane (autor); Palma,, P.C.R. (autor); Riccetto,, C.L.Z. (autor); D'Ancona,, C.A.L. (autor); Netto Júnior,, N.R. (autor); "Transvaginal urethrolysis for obstruction following anti-incontinence procedures.", 09/2000, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, 18th World Congress on endourology and SWL/16th Basic R.Symposium, Vol. 14, pp.66-66, São Paulo, SP, BRASIL, 2000
  Herrmann, Viviane (autor); Palma,, P.C.R. (autor); Riccetto,, C.L.Z. (autor); Prezotti,, J.A. (autor); Netto Júnior,, N.R. (autor); "Urogynecological approach to pelvic floor procidentia: hysterectomy, anatomical reconstruction, needle suspension and vaginal wall grafting colpocleisis.", 09/2000, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, 18th World Congress on Endourology and SWL/16th Basic R. Symposium, Vol. 14, pp.67-67, São Paulo, SP, BRASIL, 2000
  Palma,, P.C.R. (autor); Riccetto,, C.L.Z. (autor); Herrmann, Viviane (autor); Netto Júnior,, N.R. (autor); "TVT (Tension-Free vaginal Tape). Teoria e Prática", 09/2000, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, XXV Cong.Confederación Americana de Urología/XI Cong.Soc.I.U.Ped., Vol. 65, pp.203-203, Buenos Aires, ARGENTINA, 2000
  Riccetto,, C.L.Z. (autor); Palma,, P.C.R. (autor); Herrmann, Viviane (autor); Netto Júnior,, N.R. (autor); "TVT (Tension-Free vaginal-Tape). Resultados iniciais em 57 casos.", 09/2000, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, XXV Cong.Confederación Americana de Urología/XI Cong.Sociedad I.U.Ped., Vol. 65, pp.117-117, Buenos Aires, ARGENTINA, 2000
  Palma,, P.C.R. (autor); Riccetto,, C.L.Z. (autor); Herrmann, Viviane (autor); Netto Júnior,, N.R. (autor); "Incisionless urethral coaptation for tipe III urinary stress incontinence.", 09/2000, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, XXV Cong.Confederación Americana de Urología/XI Cong.Sociedad I.U.Ped., Vol. 65, pp.117-117, Buenos Aires, ARGENTINA, 2000
  Riccetto,, C.L.Z. (autor); Palma,, P.C.R (autor); Herrmann, Viviane (autor); Netto Júnior,, N.R. (autor); "Microbalão auto-destacável no tratamento da insuficiência esfincteriana na mulher. Resultados após 12 meses de seguimento médio.", 09/2000, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, XXV Cong.Confederación Americana de Urología/XI Cong.Sociedad I.U.Ped., Vol. 65, pp.118-118, Buenos Aires, ARGENTINA, 2000
  Carvalho,, N.S. (autor); Baracat,, E. (autor); Naud,, P. (autor); Giraldo, Paulo Cesar (autor); Simões, José Antonio (autor); Duarte,, G. (autor); Linhares,, I.M. (autor); Cruz,, N. (autor); "Multicentre comparative study between fluconazole and intraconazole in vulvovaginal candidiasis (VVC)", 09/2000, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, XVI FIGO - Congress of Gynecology and Obstetrics., Vol. 1, pp.80-80, Washington, ESTADOS UNIDOS, 2000
  Arruda,, M.S. (autor); Tiago,, D.B. (autor); Bueno,, M.B. (autor); Gama da Silva, José Carlos (autor); "Prymary repair of uterine rupture occurring at 22 weks and to successful pregnancy outcome: a case report and literature review.", 09/2000, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, XVI FIGO - Intern. World Congress of Gynecology and Obstetrics., Vol. 1, pp.57-57, Washington, ESTADOS UNIDOS, 2000
  Simões, José Antonio (autor); Aroutcheva,, A. (autor); Shott,, S. (autor); Faro,, S. (autor); "Effect of metronidazole on the growth of Lactobacilli species in vitro.", 08/2000, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, 2000 ANNUAL SCIENTIFC MEETING - IDSOG, Vol. 1, pp.55-55, Lake Tahoe, Nevada, ESTADOS UNIDOS, 2000
  Aroutcheva,, A. (autor); Simões, José Antonio (autor); Faro,], S. (autor); "Antimicrobial protein produced by vaginal Lactobacillus species: recovery and purification.", 08/2000, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, 2000 Annual Scientifc Meeting - IDSOG, Vol. 1, pp.34-34, Lake Tahoe, Nevada, ESTADOS UNIDOS, 2000
  Cecatti, José Guilherme (autor); Marrocos Machado, Maria Regina (autor); Krupa, F.G., 1 (autor); Figueiredo,, P.G. (autor); "Comparison of estimated fetal weight by ultrasound with neonatal weight.", 07/2000, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, XVI World Congress of Gynecological and Obstetrics - FIGO, Vol. 1, pp.3-3, Washington, ESTADOS UNIDOS, 2000
  Andrade, Liliana A. Lucci de (CO-AUTOR); Derchain, Sophie Françoise M. (CO-AUTOR); Teixeira, Luiz Carlos (CO-AUTOR); "A review of a single centre experience on the management of ovarian germ cell tumors (Ogct).", 05/2000, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, 36th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology, Vol. 19, pp.411-411, New Orleans, ESTADOS UNIDOS, 2000 *
  Fernandes Y Sagarra, Alberto Jorge (autor); Derchain, Sophie Françoise M. (autor); Kusamara,, S. (autor); Santos,, M. (autor); Campos Torres, José Carlos (autor); Teixeira, Luiz Carlos (autor); Martinez, Edson Z. Martinez (autor); "A review of a single centre experience on the management of ovarian germ cell tumors.", 05/2000, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, 36º Annual Meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology, Vol. 19, pp.411-411, New Orleans, LA, ESTADOS UNIDOS, 2000
  Heimler,, I. (autor); Aroutcheva,, A. (autor); Simões, José Antonio (autor); Faro,, S. (autor); "Relationship of Lactobacilli to genital microflora responsible for Bacterial Vaginosis.", 05/2000, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, Fifth Annual Conference on Women's Health - IIDSOG - USA., Vol. 1, pp.25-25, San Francisco - Califórnia, ESTADOS UNIDOS, 2000
  Simões, José Antonio (autor); Heimler,, I. (autor); Aroutcheva,, A. (autor); Faro,, S. (autor); "Phenotypic and genotypic characteristics of Gardnerella vaginalis isolates from patients with bacterial vaginosis.", 05/2000, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, Fifth Annual Conference on Women's Health - IIDSOG - USA, Vol. 1, pp.30-30, San Francisco - Califórnia, ESTADOS UNIDOS, 2000
  Pavlova,, S.I. (autor); Kilic,, A.O. (autor); Kilic,, S.S. (autor); So,, J. (autor); Nader-Macias,, M.E. (autor); Simões, José Antonio (autor); Tao,, L. (autor); "Phylogenetic analysis of vaginal Lactobacilli reveals novel species.", 05/2000, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, Fifth Annual Conference on Women's Health - IIDSOG - USA, Vol. 1, pp.25-25, San Francisco - Califórnia, ESTADOS UNIDOS, 2000
  Aroutcheva,, A. (autor); Heimler,, I. (autor); Simões, José Antonio (autor); Faro,, S. (autor); "Bacteriocin susceptibility of Gardnerella vaginalis: relationship to biotype and genotype specificity.", 05/2000, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, American Society for Microbiology 2000 General Meeting., Vol. 1, pp.3-3, Los Angeles - Califórnia, SP, BRASIL, 2000
  Pavlova,, S.I. (autor); Kilic,, A.O. (autor); Zou,, X. (autor); So,, J. (autor); Nader-Macias,, M.E. (autor); Simões, José Antonio (autor); Tao,, L. (autor); "Genetic diversity of vaginal Lactobacilli isolated from women of different geographic areas.", 05/2000, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, American Society for Microbiology 2000. General Meeting., Vol. 1, pp.5-5, Los Angeles, Califórnia, ESTADOS UNIDOS, 2000
  Giraldo, Paulo Cesar (autor); Gonçalves,, A.K.S. (autor); Ribeiro Filho, Ayrton Daniel (autor); Silva,, Z.M. (autor); Linhares,, I. (autor); Feitoza,, S.B. (autor); Gomes,, F.A.M. (autor); "Relation between sexual practices and human papillomavirus infection in oropharingeal cavity epithelium.", 05/2000, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, Fifth Meeting of Intern.Infectious Disease Society for Obst. Gynecol., Vol. 1, pp.19-19, São Francisco, Califórnia, ESTADOS UNIDOS, 2000
  Linhares,, I.M. (autor); Witkin,, S.S. (autor); Caetano,, M.E. (autor); Giraldo, Paulo Cesar (autor); Pinotti,, J.A. (autor); Ledger,, W.J. (autor); "Introital and endocervical human pappilomavirus in women infected with the human immunodeficiency virus: relation to circulating HIV RNA levels.", 05/2000, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, Fifth Meeting of the Intern. Infetious Disease Society Obstet.Gynecol., Vol. 1, pp.19-19, São Francisco, Califórnia, ESTADOS UNIDOS, 2000
  Kohler,, H.F. (autor); Melo Filho,, A.A. (autor); Sbragia Neto, L. (autor); Miranda,, M.L. (autor); Miyabara,, S. (autor); Narba,, S. (autor); Barini, Ricardo (autor); Bustorff-Silva,, J.M. (autor); "Hidronefrose pré-natal: evolução de 45 casos. Módulo Nefrourologia/Cirurgia Pedriátrica.", 05/2000, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, Congresso Internacional de Especialidades Pediátricas, Vol. 1, pp.2-2, Curitiba, PR, BRASIL, 2000
  Andrade, Liliana A. Lucci de (CO-AUTOR); Brenna, Sylvia Michelina F. (autor); Zeferino, Luiz Carlos (CO-AUTOR); Pinto, Glauce Aparecida (CO-AUTOR); Vassallo, José (CO-AUTOR); "p53 and c-myc as prognostic factors in uterine cervix cancer: preliminary results.", 04/2000, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, I Int Congress of Pathology, Vol. 38, pp.28-28, Madeira, PORTUGAL, 2000 *
  Zeferino, Luiz Carlos (autor); D'Ottaviano Morelli,, M.G. (autor); Cecatti, José Guilherme (autor); Martinez, Edson Z. Martinez (autor); "Characteristics of cervical cancer screening in Campinas, Brazil.", 04/2000, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, 4th Internat.Congress on Pappilomavirus in Human Pathology - EUROGIN, Vol. 1, pp.50-50, Paris, FRANCA, 2000
  Zeferino, Luiz Carlos (autor); D'Ottaviano Morelli,, M.G. (autor); Cecatti, José Guilherme (autor); Martinez, Edson Z. Martinez (autor); "Age at first sexual intercourse as a parameter to define the proper time to start cervical cancer screening.", 04/2000, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, 4th Internat.Congress on Papillomavirus in Human Pathology. EUROGIN, Vol. 1, pp.35-35, Paris, FRANCA, 2000
  Derchain, Sophie Françoise M. (autor); Juliato,, C.R.T. (autor); Benini JR,, J.R. (autor); Teixeira, Julio Cesar (autor); Martins, Cecilia Maria R. (autor); Syrjänen,, K.J. (autor); Martinez, Edson Z. Martinez (autor); "A study comparing two tecniques of conization: cold knife and loop electrosurgical procedure (LEEP).", 04/2000, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, EUROGIN 2000 - 4th International Multidisciplinary Congress., Vol. S/N, pp.123-123, Paris, FRANCA, 2000
  Martins, Cecilia Maria R. (autor); Derchain, Sophie Françoise M. (autor); Alves,, V.A.F. (autor); Siqueira,, S.A.C. (autor); Syrjänen,, K.J. (autor); Martinez, Edson Z. Martinez (autor); "Morphologic criteria used for diagnosis of HPV induced lesion and it's relation with the grade of cervical lesions.", 04/2000, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, EUROGIN 2000 - 4th International Multidisciplinary Congress., Vol. 1, pp.123-123, Paris, FRANCA, 2000
  Zeferino, Luiz Carlos (autor); "Caracteristics of cervical cancer screening in Campinas, Brazil.", 04/2000, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, 4th International Multidisciplinary Congress - EUROGIN 2000., Vol. 1, pp.138-138, Paris, FRANCA, 2000
  Zeferino, Luiz Carlos (autor); Brenna, Sylvia Michelina F. (autor); Pinto,, G.A. (autor); Andrade,, L.A.L.A. (autor); Souza, R.A. (autor); Martinez, Edson Z. Martinez (autor); Vassalo,, J. (autor); "Protein expression of 053 associated with higher risk of relapse in invasive cervical carcinoma among Brazilian women.", 04/2000, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, 4th International Multidisciplinary Congress - EUROGIN 2000., Vol. 1, pp.110-110, Paris, FRANCA, 2000
  Brenna, Sylvia Michelina F. (autor); Zeferino, Luiz Carlos (autor); Pinto,, G.A. (autor); Souza,, R.A. (autor); Andrade,, L.A.L.A. (autor); Vassalo,, J. (autor); Martinez, Edson Z. Martinez (autor); "P53 and C-MYC as prognostic factor in uterine cervix cancer preliminary results.", 04/2000, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, First Intercontinental Congress of Pathology - 2000, Vol. 38, pp.91-91, Madeira, PORTUGAL, 2000
  Hardy, Ellen Elizabeth (autor); Osis,, M.J.D. (autor); Faúndes-Lathan, Anibal Eusébio (autor); "Risk of gynecological complaints and of sexual dysfuntions according to history of sexual violence.", 04/2000, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, 7th World IAMANEH Conference 2000, Vol. 1, pp.71-71, Stellenbosch, AFRICA DO SUL, 2000
  Zeferino, Luiz Carlos (autor); Brenna, Sylvia Michelina F. (autor); Pinto,, G.A. (autor); Andrade,, L.A.L.A. (autor); Souza,, R.A. (autor); Martinez, Edson Z. Martinez (autor); Vassallo,, J. (autor); "Protein expression of 053 associated with higher risk of relapse in invasive cervical carcinoma among Brazilian women.", 04/2000, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, 4th. International Multidisciplinary Congress - Eurogin 2000, Vol. 1, pp.141-141, Paris, FRANCA, 2000
  Amaral, Eliana (autor); Faúndes-Lathan, Anibal Eusébio (autor); Waller,, D. (autor); Gard,, S. (autor); Zaneveld,, L. (autor); "Study of the vaginal tolerance to AcidForm and Acid-Buffering, Bio-Adhesive Gel with Nonoxynol-9.", 03/2000, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, Microbicides 2000, Vol. 1, pp.35-35, Washington, ESTADOS UNIDOS, 2000
  Hardy, Ellen Elizabeth (autor); Bento,, S.F. (autor); "Consentimento informado: investigação versus situaciones clinicas.", 03/2000, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, I COngreso Internacional de Salud Reproductiva en Diabetes Mellitus., Vol. 1, pp.8-8, Varadero, CUBA, 2000
  Hardy, Ellen Elizabeth (autor); Makuch,, M.Y. (autor); "Aspectos eticos y sociales dxe la reproducción asistida", 03/2000, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, I Congreso Internacional de Salud Reproductiva en Diabetes Mellitus., Vol. 1, pp.15-15, Varadero, CUBA, 2000
  Simon,, M. (autor); Gariti,, D. (autor); Shott,, S. (autor); Gurgis,, A. (autor); Simões, José Antonio (autor); Aroutcheva,, A. (autor); Faro,, S. (autor); "Defense factors of Latobacillus species and their role in vaginal microecology.", 03/2000, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, Rush University Forum for Research and Clinical Investigation 2000., Vol. 1, pp.98-98, Chicago, ESTADOS UNIDOS, 2000
  Heimler,, I. (autor); Aroutcheva,, A. (autor); Simões, José Antonio (autor); Faro,, S. (autor); "Characteristics of Gardnerella vaginalis strains isolated from patients with bacterial vaginosis.", 03/2000, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, Rush University Forum for Research and Clinical Investigation 2000., Vol. 1, pp.109-109, Chicago, ESTADOS UNIDOS, 2000
* Esta produção está associada também a outros órgãos