Departamento de Patologia Clínica
Produções / Resumos Publicados

Resumos publicados em anais de congressos (internacional)
  Cardoso, Claudia Bueno (autor); Uthida-Tanaka, Ana Maria (AUTOR); Sakamoto, AM (AUTOR); Magalhães, R (AUTOR); Magna, Luis Alberto (AUTOR); Kraemer, Maria Helena S. (AUTOR); "Clinical significance of psoriasis vulgaris in Brazilian patients, associated with MHC class II alleles.", 10/2000, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, 26th Annual ASHI Meeting, Vol. 61, pp.60-60, Lake Buena Vista, Florida, ESTADOS UNIDOS, 2000 *
  Bonon, SHA (autor); Colussi, AJS (autor); Menoni, SMF (autor); Souza, CA (autor); Rossi, Claudio Lucio (autor); Torresan, MV (autor); Costa, SCB (autor); "Early treatment with ganciclovir to prevent cytomegalovirus (CMV) disease after bone marrow and stem cell transplantation", 09/2000, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, XVI Latinamerican Congress of Pharmacology/XXXII Brazilian Congress, Vol. S/N, pp.408-408, Aguas de Lindóia, SP, BRASIL, 2000
  Cardoso, Claudia Bueno (autor); Uthida Tanaka, AM (autor); Sakamoto, AM (autor); Oliveira, VC (autor); Magalhães, R (autor); Magna, LA (autor); Kraemer, Maria Helena S. (autor); "Clinical significance of Psoriasis in brazilian pacient, associated significantly with MHC alleles", 08/2000, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, XXV Meeting of the Brazilian Society of Immunology, Vol. S/N, pp.141-142, Florianópolis, SC, BRASIL, 2000
  Batistella, Margareth A (autor); Biral, AC (autor); Boin, ISF (autor); Magna, LA (autor); Leonardi, L (autor); Kraemer, Maria Helena S. (autor); "HLA antigens and anti-HLA antibodies in liver transplant recipients", 08/2000, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, XXV Meeting of the Brazilian Society of Immunology, Vol. S/N, pp.143-144, Florianópolis, SC, BRASIL, 2000
  Lopes, N (autor); Barros-Mazon, Sílvia de (autor); Vilela, MMS (autor); Condino-Neto, A (autor); Ribeiro, JD (autor); "Are IgE levels associate with early wheezing? A prospective study in brazilian infants", 08/2000, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, XXV Meeting of the Brazilian Society of Immunology, Vol. S/N, pp.67-67, Florianópolis, SC, BRASIL, 2000
  Mamoni, Ronei L (autor); Nouer, AS (autor); Oliveira, SJ (autor); Musatti, CC (autor); Rossi, Claudio Lucio (autor); Camargo, ZP (autor); Blotta, Maria Heloisa S. L. (autor); "Enhanced production of specific IgG4, IgE, IgA and TGF-beta in sera from patients with the juvenile form of paracoccidioidomycosis", 08/2000, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, XXV Meeting of the Brazilian Society of Immunology, Vol. S/N, pp.222-222, Florianópolis, SC, BRASIL, 2000
  Fornazin, MC (autor); Garcia, C (autor); Balthazar, A (autor); Quagliato Jr, R (autor); Blotta, Maria Heloisa S. L. (autor); "Evaluation of bronchoalveolar cells in pulmonary paracoccidioidomycosis", 08/2000, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, XXV Meeting of the Brazilian Society of Immunology, Vol. S/N, pp.223-223, Florianópolis, SC, BRASIL, 2000
  Calegario, FF (autor); Cosso, Ricardo G (autor); Fagian, MM (autor); Almeida, FV (autor); Jardim, WF (autor); Vercesi, Aníbal Eugênio (autor); "Low temperature promotes expression of both uncoupling protein and alternative oxidase in potato tubers", 08/2000, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, IV Congresso de Biofísica do Cone-Sul, Vol. S/N, pp.54-54, Campinas, SP, BRASIL, 2000
  Mendes, MA (autor); Eberlin, MN (autor); Rocha, LL (autor); Haddad, Renato (autor); Höehr, Nelci Fenalti (autor); "DIMP-T&R-MIMS:Its use for the analysis of vitamin C , of metabolites in urine, and of aminoacids in blood plasma", 06/2000, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, The 48th ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry and Allied Topics, Vol. S/N, Long Beach, California, ESTADOS UNIDOS, 2000
  Castilho, Roger Frigério (AUTOR); Hansson, O (AUTOR); Brundin, P (AUTOR); "FK506 and cyclosporin A enhance the survival of cultured and grafted rat embryonic dopamine neurons", 05/2000, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, XXIX Reunião Anual da Sociedade Brasileira de Bioquímica e Biologia Molecular, Vol. 1, pp.168-168, Caxambu, MG, BRASIL, 2000
  Kraemer, Maria Helena S. (autor); Uthida-Tanaka, AM (autor); Mataveli, DF (autor); Oliveira, VC (autor); Thomaz, GR (autor); Magalhães, R (autor); Magna, LA (autor); "Early onset of Psoriasis in brazilian pacient: support for HLA-class I and class II analysis", 01/2000, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, 2nd Cong of the Federation of Immunological Societies of Asia-Oceania, Vol. S/N, pp.235-235, Bangkok, TAILANDIA, 2000
  Catisti, Rosana (autor); Vercesi, Aníbal Eugênio (autor); "On the mechanism of the fatty acid-induced mitochondrial permeability transition", 01/2000, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, Keystone Symposia on Molecular and Cellular Biology, Vol. S/N, pp.70-70, Santa Fé, New Mexico, ESTADOS UNIDOS, 2000
  Kowaltowski, Alicia J (autor); Turin, Jussiani (autor); Indig, G (autor); Vercesi, Aníbal Eugênio (autor); "Mitochondrial effects of triarylmethane dyes with potential therapeutic effects", 01/2000, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, Keystone Symposia on Molecular and Cellular Biology, Vol. S/N, pp.74-74, Santa Fé, New Mexico, ESTADOS UNIDOS, 2000
  Petersen, A (AUTOR); Hansson, O (AUTOR); Castilho, Roger Frigério (AUTOR); Romero, N (AUTOR); PRZEDBORSKI, S (AUTOR); Brundin, P (AUTOR); "Mice transgenic for exon 1 of the Huntington's disease gene are resistant to neurotoxicity induced by intrastriatal injection of dopamine", 01/2000, CIENTÍFICO INTERNACIONAL, 30th Annual Meeting - Society for Neuroscience, Vol. s/n, pp.261-261, New Orleans, ESTADOS UNIDOS, 2000
* Esta produção está associada também a outros órgãos