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Centro de Estudos de Petróleo
Produções / Trabalhos completos publicados em anais de congresso

Trabalhos completos em anais de congressos
  SCANANINI, Helena Finardi Álvares; SCHIOZER, Denis Jose; The Influence of Lumping of the Behavior of Resevoirs with Light Oil and CO2, 09/2012, Rio Oil & Gas Expo and Conference,Vol. 1, pp.1-3, Rio de Janeior, RJ, Brasil, 2012 *
  LIGERO, E. L.; SCHIOZER, Denis Jose; Uma Abordagem para Redução do Tempo de Simulação do Processo WAG-CO2, 09/2012, Rio Oil & Gas Expo and Conference,Vol. 1, pp.1-3, Rio de Janeior, RJ, Brasil, 2012 *
  PAIVA, H. P.; SCHIOZER, Denis Jose; Simulation of Petroleum Recovery in Naturally Fractured Reservoirs: Physical Process Representation, 09/2012, Rio Oil & Gas Expo and Conference,Vol. 1, pp.1-3, Rio de Janeior, RJ, Brasil, 2012 *
  BOTECHIA, V. E.; SCHIOZER, Denis Jose; Seleção de Estratégia de Produção em Campos com Fortes Heterogeneidades sob Incertezas, 09/2012, Rio Oil & Gas Expo and Conference,Vol. 1, pp.1-3, Rio de Janeior, RJ, Brasil, 2012 *
  MAZO, E. O. M.; BARRETO, C. E. A. G.; TEIXEIRA, L. B.; SCHIOZER, Denis Jose; Análise do Efeito da Determinação do Ponto Ótimo de Fechamento dos Poços Injetores na Estratégia de Gerenciamento de Água, 09/2012, Rio Oil & Gas Expo and Conference,Vol. 1, pp.1-3, Rio de Janeior, RJ, Brasil, 2012 *
  CARPIO, R. S.; SCHIOZER, Denis Jose; Caracterização de Misturas de Fluidos de Diferentes Reservatórios para uma Simulação Numérica Composicional, 09/2012, Rio Oil & Gas Expo and Conference,Vol. 1, pp.1-3, Rio de Janeior, RJ, Brasil, 2012 *
  RODRIGUEZ, P. J.; SCHIOZER, Denis Jose; Application of PLT Surveys to Select a Vertical Grid Refinement in Gas Reservoirs, 09/2012, Rio Oil & Gas Expo and Conference,Vol. 1, pp.1-3, Rio de Janeior, RJ, Brasil, 2012 *
  LABOISSIÈRE, P.; MELLO, S. F.; AVANSI, G. D.; TREVISAN, Osvair Vidal; SCHIOZER, Denis Jose; Water Alternating Gas and Waterflooding: Performance Evaluation in Heterogeneous Reservoir, 09/2012, Rio Oil & Gas Expo and Conference,Vol. 1, pp.1-3, Rio de Janeior, RJ, Brasil, 2012 *
  KIM, N. R.; ELIAS JUNIOR, A.; BONET, Euclides Jose; TREVISAN, Osvair Vidal; Influence of CO2 on PVT Properties of an Oil Crude at High Pressure, 09/2012, Rio Oil & Gas Expo and Conference,Vol. cd, pp.1-9, Rio de Janeior, RJ, Brasil, 2012 *
  FREITAS FILHO, R. D. G.; SANTOS, R. G.; TREVISAN, Osvair Vidal; Alterations of Permeability and Porosity of Limestone and Dolomite Caused by Dissolution in High Pressure CO2/Water Systems, 09/2012, Rio Oil & Gas Expo and Conference,Vol. cd, pp.1-8, Rio de Janeior, RJ, Brasil, 2012 *
  RIBEIRO, Paulo Roberto; SANTOS, Otto Luiz Alcântara; Segurança de Poço: Evolução da Modelagem e Resultados, 06/2012, IX Seminário de Engenharia de Poço (PETROBRAS),Vol. cd, pp.1-8, Natal, RN, Brasil, 2012 *
  BIAZUSSI, J. L.; VERDE, W. M.; SASSIM, N. A,; BANNWART, A. C.; Experimental investigation os gás presence in the oil-water core-flow pattern using visualization technique, 05/2012, 3rd Encontro Brasileiro sobre Ebulição, Condensação e Escoamento Multifásico (EBECEM),Vol. cd, pp.1-8, Curitiba, PR, Brasil, 2012 *
  BIZOTTO, V. C.; FERNANDES, R. H.; BANNWART, A. C.; Drag reduction in tw0-phase flow in pipelines, 05/2012, 3rd Encontro Brasileiro sobre Ebulição, Condensação e Escoamento Multifásico (EBECEM),Vol. cd, pp.1-8, Curitiba, PR, Brasil, 2012 *
  VERDE, W. M.; BIAZUSSI, J. L.; SASSIM, N. A,; BANNWART, A. C.; Determinação Experimental do Desempenho de Bombas de BCS Operando com Escoamento Bifásico Gás-Líquido, 05/2012, 3rd Encontro Brasileiro sobre Ebulição, Condensação e Escoamento Multifásico (EBECEM),Vol. cd, pp.1-6, Curitiba, PR, Brasil, 2012 *
  MIRA, C. V. G.; FEIJÃO, P. C.; SOUZA, M. A. L.; MOURA, A.V.; MEIDANIS, J.; GABRIEL A. C., Lima; BARROS, R. S. V.; BOSSOLAN, R. P.; FREITAS FILHO, Í. T. C.; A GRASP-based heuristic for the Project Portfolio Selection Problem, 12/2012, 15th IEEE International Conference on Computational Science and Engineering (CSE),Vol. 1, pp.36-41, Paphos, Chipre, 2012 *
  SANTOS, R. G.; VARGAS, J. A. V.; TREVISAN, Osvair Vidal; Effects of SARA Fraction on the Combustion Kinetic of Heavy Oils, 09/2012, World Heavy Oil Congress,Vol. cd, pp.1-6, Aberdeen, Escócia, 2012 *
  BANNWART, A. C.; LUTHI, I. F.; Determination and comparasion of wax appearance temperature for two waxy crude oils, 08/2012, The 22nd International Conference on Chemical Thermodynamics (ICCT) and The 67th Calorimetry Conference (CALCON),Vol. cd, pp.1-8, Búzios, RJ, Brasil, 2012 *
  SILVEIRA, B. M. O.; MORENO, R. B. Z. L.; Dynamic Evaluation of Invasion and Back Flow in Carbonate and Sandstone Reservoirs, 07/2012, 31st International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering (OMAE),Vol. cd, pp.1-10, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil, 2012 *
  LOPES, L. F.; SILVEIRA, B. M. O.; MORENO, R. B. Z. L.; Loss circulation and formation damage control on overbalanced drilling applying different formulations of water based drill-in fluids on sandstone reservoir, 07/2012, 31st International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering (OMAE),Vol. cd, pp.1-11, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil, 2012 *
  LIMA, A.; SCHIOZER, Denis Jose; Assisted History-Matching for the Characterization and Recovery Optimization of Fractured Using Connectivity Analysis, 06/2012, SPE EUROPEC,Vol. 1, pp.1-3, Copenhagen, Dinamarca, 2012 *
  PINTO, M. A. S.; BARRETO, C. E. A. G.; SCHIOZER, Denis Jose; Optimization of Proactive Control Valves of Producer and Injector Smart Wells under Economic Uncertainty, 06/2012, SPE EUROPEC,Vol. 1, pp.1-3, Copenhagen, Dinamarca, 2012 *
  SANTOS, M. S.; DAVÓLIO, A.; MASCHIO, C.; SCHIOZER, Denis Jose; Estimation of Static and Dynamic Properties in a Bayesian Framework, 06/2012, SPE EUROPEC,Vol. 1, pp.1-3, Copenhagen, Dinamarca, 2012 *
  DAVÓLIO, A.; MASCHIO, C.; SCHIOZER, Denis Jose; Pressure and Saturation Estimationfrom 4D Seismic Constrained by Reservoir flow Simulation, 06/2012, Reservoir Surveillance,Vol. 1, pp.1-3, San Diego, Estados Unidos da América, 2012 *
  HOHENDORFF FILHO, J. C. V.; SCHIOZER, Denis Jose; Evaluation on Explicit Coupling between Reservoir Simulators and Production System, 06/2012, OMAE,Vol. 1, pp.1-3, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil, 2012 *
  CARVALHO, M. H.; GABRIEL A. C., Lima; GASPAR, A. T. F. S.; SCHIOZER, Denis Jose; A Model for Estimation of the Impacts of System Availability on Cumulative Oil Production and Economic Return, 06/2012, ESREL,Vol. 1, pp.1-3, Helsinque, Finlândia, 2012 *
  LIGERO, E. L.; MELLO, S. F.; MAZO, E. O. M.; SCHIOZER, Denis Jose; An Approach to Oil Production Forecasting in WAG Process Using Natural CO2, 06/2012, Petroleum Energy Conference,Vol. 1, pp.1-3, Port of Spain, Trinidad e Tobago, 2012 *
  BANNWART, A. C.; LUTHI, I. F.; BIZOTTO, V. C.; Rheological characteristics of the break up of gelled waxy oils, 06/2012, 13th International Conference on Petroleum Phase Behavior and Fouling (Petrophase),Vol. 1, pp.1-8, St. Petersburg Beach, Estados Unidos da América, 2012 *
  PINTO, M. A. S.; BARRETO, C. E. A. G.; SCHIOZER, Denis Jose; Optimization of Smart and Conventional Wells under Economic Uncertainty, 05/2012, SPE Production and Operations Conference and Exhibition POCE,Vol. 1, pp.1-3, Doha, Qatar, 2012 *
  AMORIM, T. C. A.; SCHIOZER, Denis Jose; Risk Analysis Speed-up with Surrogate Models, 04/2012, SPE Latin American and Caribbean Petroleum Engineering Conference LACPEC,Vol. 1, pp.1-3, Cidade do México, México, 2012 *
  CORREIA, Manuel Gomes; MASCHIO, C.; SCHIOZER, Denis Jose; A Procedure for Upscaling a Complex Fractured Reservoir Model Using Near-Well Refinement, 04/2012, SPE Latin American and Caribbean Petroleum Engineering Conference LACPEC,Vol. 1, pp.1-3, Cidade do México, México, 2012 *
  RAVAGNANI, A. T. F. S. G.; GABRIEL A. C., Lima; BARRETO, C. E. A. G.; MUNERATO, F. P.; SCHIOZER, Denis Jose; Royalty and Tax Versus Production Sharing Petroleum Fiscal Models, 04/2012, SPE Latin American and Caribbean Petroleum Engineering Conference LACPEC,Vol. 1, pp.1-3, Cidade do México, México, 2012 *
  BARRETO, C. E. A. G.; SCHIOZER, Denis Jose; Sutdy of the Impact of Environment Assessment of Water Discharge in Making Decision Process of Petroleum Fields Projects, 04/2012, SPE Latin American and Caribbean Petroleum Engineering Conference LACPEC,Vol. 1, pp.1-3, Cidade do México, México, 2012 *
  MUNERATO, F. P.; SCHIOZER, Denis Jose; Methodology to Quantify the Value of Information Incoportating Operational Flexibility, 04/2012, SPE Latin American and Caribbean Petroleum Engineering Conference LACPEC,Vol. 1, pp.1-3, Cidade do México, México, 2012 *
  SCHIOZER, Denis Jose; Integration of Uncertainty Analysis and History Matching: Application in a Complex Case, 04/2012, SPE Latin American and Caribbean Petroleum Engineering Conference LACPEC,Vol. 1, pp.1-3, Cidade do México, México, 2012 *
  CAZAREZ, O.; MONTOYA, D. J.; BANNWART, A. C.; Simulation of Intermittent Gas-Bubbly Oil Three Phase Flow in Upward Vertical Pipe Using the Two-Fluid Model, 04/2012, SPE Latin American and Caribbean Petroleum Engineering Conference LACPEC,Vol. cd, pp.1-8, Cidade do México, México, 2012 *
  VARGAS, J. A. V.; TREVISAN, Osvair Vidal; Kinetics of Heavy Oil Combustion by Accelerating Rate Calorimetry, 04/2012, SPE Latin American and Caribbean Petroleum Engineering Conference LACPEC,Vol. cd, pp.1-13, Cidade do México, México, 2012 *
  FREITAS FILHO, R. D. G.; TREVISAN, Osvair Vidal; Effects of dissolution on the permeability and porosity of Limestone and Dolomite in high pressure CO2/water systems, 04/2012, SPE Latin American and Caribbean Petroleum Engineering Conference LACPEC,Vol. cd, pp.1-15, Cidade do México, México, 2012 *
  ARAÚJO, M. A. R.; CAMPOS, W.; MORENO, R. B. Z. L.; Filtering of Tide Effects in Formation Evaluation Data, 04/2012, SPE Latin American and Caribbean Petroleum Engineering Conference LACPEC,Vol. cd, pp.1-12, Cidade do México, México, 2012 *
  BARRETO, C. E. A. G.; RAVAGNANI, A. T. F. S. G.; MUNERATO, F. P.; SCHIOZER, Denis Jose; Use of Water Cut to Optimize Conventional and Smart Wells, 02/2012, SPE North Africa Technology Conference and Exhibition,Vol. 1, pp.1-3, Cairo, Egito, 2012 *
  RAVAGNANI, A. T. F. S. G.; GABRIEL A. C., Lima; BARRETO, C. E. A. G.; MUNERATO, F. P.; SCHIOZER, Denis Jose; Comparative Analysis of Optimal Oil Production Strategy using Royalty & Tax and Production Sharing Petroleum Fiscal Models, 02/2012, SPE North Africa Technology Conference and Exhibition,Vol. 1, pp.1-3, Cairo, Egito, 2012 *
  GABRIEL A. C., Lima; RAVAGNANI, A. T. F. S. G.; SCHIOZER, Denis Jose; How to Realistically Measure the Correlation between Return of Oil Production Projects?, 02/2012, SPE North Africa Technology Conference and Exhibition,Vol. 1, pp.1-3, Cairo, Egito, 2012 *
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